Treating Vowels: A Tactile Treatment Program (Part II)

When Sam began therapy he had difficulty tolerating any sensory input in or near is mouth. Bringing a toothette close to his mouth would lead to an involuntary tongue protrusion to resist any stimulation. Placing a bite block between his molars would lead to gag reflex. My first goal therefore was to decrease his tactile defensiveness, while building his proprioceptive awareness (knowing where his lips, tongue and jaw are in space) of his oral structures. The first step of course, was to build his trust and comfort level with me and the tools I would use. We named the toothette with the vibrator “Mr. Tickles.” Mr. Tickles would always start the session. Sam could tell Mr. Tickles where he wanted to be tickled. We would usually start with the palm of his hand or his arm and gradually work our way to his mouth. Within a few sessions, Sam could tolerate several minutes of stimulation with a toothette without any negative reactions.

vibrator-tootethOnce Sam’s tactile defensiveness was significantly reduced, my next goal was to stabilize his jaw and increase jaw grading (i.e. opening and closing of his mouth to various jaw heights without jaw sliding or jerking). Since Sam tended to “fix” his jaw at jaw height 1 (closed mouth position) during speech, my objective was to move him gradually through Sara R. Johnson’s Bite Block hierarchy. Unless Sam was able to lower his jaw to jaw height 3 or 4, production of vowels such as /Ɔ/ would be challenging. We started with Bite Block #2 and within several weeks were able to move to Bite Block #6, which requires considerable jaw opening. Sam can now hold a lower jaw position without sliding. As a part of a comprehensive oral motor or oral placement program, we also worked on lip rounding, lip seal and tongue retraction. Sara R. Johnson’s Horn and Straw Hierarchy’s were employed for this purpose. In addition, a tongue depressor with added “weights” (pennies taped to both ends) were used to build lip strength and lip closure.